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the skinside out approach

what is ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a holistic healing system that helps us better understand how food, experiences, emotions, relationships, age, environment, and nature can balance or unbalance your mind, body, and spirit. It’s a way of living and making choices that promotes vitality and longevity. 


Glowing skin is an inside job. What you eat, what you watch on Netflix, how much time you spend with others, everything you do, say, think, and feel has an impact on your body, mind, and spirit. Each moment you make a choice, you can choose to do something that helps create balance or dis-ease in your body.  Ayurveda gives you knowledge about yourself and your relationship to the external world so that you can make informed choices each moment, each meal, each day, and each season.

ayurvedic health counseling

The Ayurvedic Consultation Experience is an ideal starting point when dealing with health concerns, problematic skin, or simply wanting to improve your health. During your initial consultation, which I call the Ayurvedic Health Consultation (Session 1), we discuss your health concerns, health history, health and skin goals, and current lifestyle and dietary routines. All the information I gather will allow me to identify causative factors responsible for any imbalances and assess which systems of the body and channels have been affected. From this, I will design an easy-to-follow Nourish Plan that includes a variety of lifestyle and diet practices specifically designed to balance your body's innate intelligence, improve clarity of mind, balance digestion, and cultivate vitality.  Customized skincare rituals will be included in the Nourish Plan, for those who are interested.  We will review and discuss the Nourish Plan at the Ayurvedic Health Consultation Follow-Up (Session 2).


At lease one follow-up is recommended after your Ayurvedic Consultation Experience to help make any necessary adjustments and make sure your needs are met.


If you would like to work together, please contact me directly, using the information provided at the bottom of the page.  All Ayurvedic Health Counseling sessions can be done in person or virtual.

Ayurvedic Consultation Experience 

Required for all new Ayurvedic clients.


Session #1: Ayurvedic Health Consultation (90 min) - initial meeting to discuss your health (history, concerns, challenges, goals)


Session #2: Nourish Plan Follow-Up (60-75 min) - one week after Ayurvedic Consultation Experience, present and discuss findings from Session #1 and proposed Nourish Plan, which includes diet and lifestyle recommendations


Investment - $250 


Ayurvedic Follow-Up Session 

Only applicable to those who have completed the Ayurvedic Consultation Experience. 


Opportunity to reconnect, refocus, discuss your current health status (concerns, challenges, successes), and set goals for the upcoming weeks or months. 


1 Session (60-75 min) - $108


3 Session Package - $285


Ayurvedic Weekly Coaching 

Only applicable to those who have completed the Ayurvedic Consultation Experience.  


This approach includes 30-minute weekly accountability sessions to review goals and discuss weekly progress, successes, and challenges.  This is a great option for those who prefer the increased accountability that comes with weekly check-ins.


1 Month (4 x 30 minute sessions per month) - $175


3 Month Package - $485


Ayurvedic Weekly Coaching w/Personalized Meal Plan 

Only applicable to those who have completed the Ayurvedic Consultation Experience. 


This approach includes 30-minute weekly accountability sessions to review goals and discuss weekly progress, successes, and challenges. A four-week personalized meal plan is also included. This is a great option for those who prefer the increased accountability and more personalized guidance in regards to diet and nutrition.


1 Month (4 x 30 minute sessions per month + four-week meal plan) - $300


3 Month Package - $820


Private 15-Day Ayurvedic Renewal 

This experience is for those who need a lifestyle and diet renewal but cannot, or choose not to, participate in the seasonal group Renewals, which take place every October and April. A pre-renewal consultation will be provided to assess and identify your constitution and imbalances.  Once the renewal begins, you will receive one-on-one support from Amy throughout the entire process via weekly Zoom calls, text, and email.


​Investment - $299

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